Now this is a warning to everyone: NEVER LEAVE YOUR OVEN!! As this was a rather impromptu baking event I was caught short of strawberries and cream, so I put the cake in the oven, set the timer (25mins) and ducked to the local convenience store. Upon return, I was greeted by my sponges looking more like burnt hockey pucks than fluffy golden clouds. Not to be defeated (and I had just paid a fortune for out of season strawberries) I started on round two.

~ Victoria Sponge Cake ~
174g butter
175g self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
175g golden caster sugar
3 eggs
Step 1: Preheat oven to 150 degrees and base line two 20cm sandwich tins
Step 2: Beat the butter, eggs and sugar together, slowly add sifted flour and baking powder - mix until smooth. Divide the mixture evenly between the prepared tins
Step 3: Bake around 20-25 minutes until well risen and golden brown (DO NOT LEAVE THE OVEN). Cool for 5 mins then turn onto a wire rack to cool completely.
Step 4: Sandwich together with raspberry jam, cream and halved strawberries in between.
Bon Appetit xx
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